Throughout my career, I’ve designed and collaborated with Ford Motor Company, IDEO CoLab, Lucid Motors, The Art of Living Foundation, LIM Innovations, Fundación Tarahumara José A. Llaguno; currently volunteering at Inneract Project.
I’m currently looking for opportunities in Social Impact Design. If your team strives to work with organizations to help build ethically responsible solutions with communities through design strategy, I’d love to collaborate with you.
An Interaction Designer, Design Researcher, and Strategist.
An Interaction Designer, Design Researcher, and Strategist.

Throughout my career, I’ve designed and collaborated with Ford Motor Company, IDEO CoLab, Lucid Motors, The Art of Living Foundation, LIM Innovations, Fundación Tarahumara José A. Llaguno, Inneract Project; currently designing the human experience at frog.
I care tremendously about making an ethical and responsible difference in
social impact design, sustainability and education. You do too? Let's chat!
Design Researcher,
Interaction Designer,
I focus on creating meaningful experiences through design strategy to empower healthy and resilient communities.
Design for Business Impact


Design for Social Impact

Hey! ¡Hola! ¿Qué onda?🤙🏼
My name's Andrés Eduardo Hurtado—I'm an Interaction Designer, Design Researcher and Design Strategist who believes in the power of transparent behavior to empower communities. I’m Interested in making the world a more compassionate place through design.
I was born and raised in the U.S./México border of El Paso/Juárez. Growing up with these two converging cultures allowed me to develop a unique perspective. I observed the strengths of folks with diverse racial, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds, the struggles they face, and their resilience to conquer them and change the world.
My drive to empower people, with technology as a tool, pushed me to pursue Interaction Design at California College of the Arts. I strive to use my design skills for community building and strengthening.
In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family, playing around with my phone's camera, and looking at birb and longo memes on IG. You can catch me on the weekends at your local taco stand 🌮.